The PT Boat Forum

» Forum Category: PT Boats of WWII

» Forum Name: PT Boats - General

» Topic: JFK pre-PT 59 Solomons timeline

OK, I know a lot of our members are tired of any JFK PT-related information, but I recently found some old notes I jotted down listing his significant dates up to PT 109's last patrol. Can't remember if I posted them before. Maybe some new members would be interested.

- JFK arrived at Tulagi on April 14th, 1943.
- Took command of PT 109 on April 23rd.
- PT 109 ordered to the Russell Islands on May 30th.
- PT 109 ordered to Rendova on June 16th.
- Last patrol began on August 1, 1943.

Posted By: Drew Cook | Posted on: Oct 24, 2018 - 2:19pm
Total Posts: 1306 | Joined: Oct 19, 2006 - 10:44am