The PT Boat Forum

» Forum Category: PT Boats of WWII

» Forum Name: PT Boats - General

» Topic: Creating 3D models of PT 109 Elco Hull

Hi I am a student at a university in Scotland. I'm in my Masters year of Mechanical Engineering. I am currently working on a project engineering a RC model boat. I have been giving a PT 109 Elco hull to create a boat. I want to create some 3D models of the hull, but a present I have no engineering drawing/blue prints to go by. I have noticed on your web page that you sell engineering drawing/blue prints (Dimensions) of the the PT boats.

If it is possible could you please suggest the engineering drawings/blueprints that would be relevant for me to recreate the Hull of the PT 109 Elco.

Posted By: HW05Kev | Posted on: Sep 25, 2008 - 6:12am
Total Posts: | Joined: Unregistered

Hi ? ? ? ? ?,

I've created several detailed isometric Drawings on the boats but have created them from pencil, that is, drawing by hand on a drafting table using a parallel edge, triangles, ellipses, proportional dividers and curves (you know "Old School"). To create these I’ve ordered most of the drawings available from Headquarters (PT Boats, Inc. this website). However, the drawing technique I'm creating does not require drawings with lots of "detailed dimensional" information. As you might know when creating technical illustrations (prior to 3D Modeling - which I'm illiterate with) illustrating was a transfer of drawing information by the use of proportional dividers and transferring a point-to-point measurement to paper in an Isometric projection (30-90-30 degrees). This typical process, started during the World War II till the late 1990's 3-D modeling. With my old-school style, I require a lot of drawing detail not necessarily dimensioned data. Most of the few drawings left today (most all have been destroyed or some how lost to posterity) are more like assembly drawings with little detailed dimensioning. This makes it hard for me to suggest a particular drawing. This site has a Drawing & Blueprint List in “.pdf” format which you can download [url][/url] I would suggest starting with the small 8-1/2 x 11 drawings starting on page 4 and see if these less expensive drawing might give you enough data. Drawings that list “Lines and Offsets” will give you basic hull shape information. Otherwise try contacting the two website owners below:

John Drain has created many CAD drawings for ELCO RC project(s) and might have valuable insight on just the drawing you need he has an info@ email address on his website. Please visit John Drain's web site at: [url][/url]

Also visit [url][/url] this site owner appears to using 3D modeling software to create his drawings.

[b]Also,[/b] maybe [b]Al Ross II[/b] at costal Forces might be of some help, they have plan sets for modelers, maybe there plan sets have detail dimensional data.

PT-109 is an: ELCO 80' Class PT 103 - 196

Good luck on your project and keep us posted on your progress.
All the best,
Dick . . . .

Below are two Iso Drawings I have created using Adobe Illustrator:

ELCO PT Class 103 -196:


HIGGINS – In Progress:


Posted By: Dick | Posted on: Sep 25, 2008 - 10:24am
Total Posts: 1486 | Joined: Aug 27, 2006 - 6:36pm