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 Author  Topic: PT 8 NOW FOR SALE
Frank J Andruss Sr


Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of Frank J Andruss Sr   Send Email To Frank J Andruss Sr Posted on: Mar 29, 2008 - 8:58pm
Just happened to be on EBAY this evening and noticed that PT 8 is up for sale. It has been completely refurbished and looks pretty nice for an aluminum Navy failure. This was the boat if you remember that was outfitted with heavy Navy fittings and failed sea test's. It would later be placed at melville as a training vessel. If any of us has a cool one million bucks, we might get her. That's the opening bid...............

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Will Day

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message   Posted on: Mar 30, 2008 - 8:09am
That's not bad, Frank. 500K from you and 500 K from me. Of course, we'd have to keep it on the west coast......


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Will Day

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message   Posted on: Mar 30, 2008 - 8:09am
That's not bad, Frank. 500K from you and 500 K from me. Of course, we'd have to keep it on the west coast......


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Frank J Andruss Sr


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I'll go to he Bank on Monday, Mortgage my Home, sell my 2 Kids on the black market ( although at the ages of 26 and 28 I might not get as much for them). I will make the purchase with you, but it has to go here in Massachuetts. Maybe we can get some of the other guys here on the message board to cough up 50K apiece....

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Will Day

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message   Posted on: Mar 30, 2008 - 3:48pm
Yeah, for 50K you could have a little brass plaque with your name on it in the officers' head.....


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Frank J Andruss Sr


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For 100K you could have a plaque in the Officers Head all by yourself, plus you could Pilot the boat twice a year for 10 minutes each trip................

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message   Posted on: Apr 1, 2008 - 1:26pm

Better pics of PT8

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message   Posted on: Apr 7, 2008 - 1:05am
Were you able to cobble together enough cash for a bid? Someone's bid a million for it...but it looks like the minimum bid is closer to 1.1 mil.

How do you guys feel about all the work that's been done to the boat since the guy bought it? The "modernizing" stuff, without knowing the circumstances of the "restoration," kinda bothers me and would lower the value of the boat (if I had the cash).

Grandson of James J Stanton
RON 15 PT 209 and RON 23 PT 243
Check out:

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Frank J Andruss Sr


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I can tell you this, if I had that kind of money, I would purchase the boat, bring it here to Massachusetts, then worry about any changes made to the boat. I think with any old boat, you have to modernize it to keep up with the current COAST GUARD regulations. I do agree with you that keeping her as close to original would be the best thing for us PT BOAT GUYS, but for some, they want those modern changes for comfort, which as you know this boat was certainly not built for comfort.

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  Jerry Gilmartin


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You are right Frank,
During the restoration of PT658 we have had personal experience with the whole USCG regulations issue and whether or not to apply them in restoring the boat. The requirements to achieve compliance with all of the new USCG regulations sometimes conflict with the ideals of the Historic Naval Ships Association guidelines of keeping the historical fabric of the boat intact. More often than not, we have tried to stay within the authentic historical context of how the boat was built, even if it may conflict with modern day regulations. This same thing was detrimental to the restoration of the restoration efforts by Bill Bohmfalk on the Vosper PT728 (now owned by Ron Ianucci in Kingston NY) They were forced to put handrails and the like on her decks all in keeping with obtaining a USCG Certification for passenger vessels. Although she was able to get certified and registered, in my opinion it significantly changed the outward appearance of the whole boat away from its historical roots. I think the boat should look like the day it was built both inside and out to the maximum extent possible and certain exceptions to the rules actually do allow the restoration principles to be grandfathered in and trump the newfangled regulations. I guess this is a subject that I feel particularly strong about, since I have stayed awake nights sometimes thinking about whether or not we did the right thing. I hope whoever purchases PT8 will change it back to its historical appearance as much as possible. Jerry

Jerry Gilmartin

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