Lee G

New Member
Posted on: Dec 7, 2015 - 6:47am
Dear Forum, Im researching the "plywood derby" that tested some of the early boats in New London Ct. in July 1941. Im especially interested in PT-6 which was entered by Higgins. I am trying to find out if this was PT 6-1 or PT 6-2? or PT-6 "so called Prime. Perhaps PT-6 prime is another term for PT-6 (2). Anyway does anyone know which boat Higgins sent to this test? I live in CT and am trying to research an image of a PT-6 that was in New London for the trial to see specifically which boat this is. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I posted something like this yesterday but as new to the site, not sure if it made it. thanks, Lee Greenwood
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Lee G

New Member
Posted on: Dec 7, 2015 - 9:23am
Thanks Gary, I have read this document and find it helpful but Im still a bit confused. If I understand it correctly, PT-6 (1) was built and sold to the British before the 1941 plywood derby trials in New London. I assume therefore that that the PT-6 boat that remained and was entered into the derby was PT-6 (2) which I think was also called "prime" as this was the modified Higgins boat. I believe this boat (2), Prime, was the one that competed in the first Plywood derby in July 1941 as well as another Higgins boat called the "dream boat", number 70. I hope I have this straight. any comments? I am trying to put the Mystic Seaport's Rosenfeld's collection of negatives into their data base. Several of the images are of PT-6 labeled off New London in July 1941 and I am now assuming this was PT-6 (2). thanks for your help. Lee G.
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Posted on: Dec 7, 2015 - 3:48pm
Go to www.navsource.org and you will find photos of both PT 6's.
Take care,
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Lee G

New Member
Posted on: Dec 7, 2015 - 4:34pm
Thanks Ted,I have looked at these and assume that PT-6 (2) was the one at the plywood derby in 7-1941. Would you agree? thanks for your time. Lee
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Posted on: Dec 8, 2015 - 4:25am
Yes then transferred afterwards.
Take care,
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Lee G

New Member
Posted on: Dec 8, 2015 - 6:44am
thanks Ted for your help.Lee
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Robert Orrell

Advanced Member

Posted on: Dec 13, 2015 - 11:14pm
Here's a pix of PT 6 - 2. New York Navy Yard?
I need your photo help Dick!
its fixed
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Lee G

New Member
Posted on: Dec 19, 2015 - 10:37am
Sorry gentleman I can't help with the location of this photo. The images I am working with of PT -6 are of the boat at New London , CT, July 41 during the first plywood derby. Lee G
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Andy Small


Posted on: Dec 21, 2015 - 12:08pm
Hi Lee,
I assume you have all the test data and reports from the both Plywood Derby sessions? I know that second PT 6 was only in the first Derby with Higgins pushing the brand new PT 70 design. From what I've been able to find out, the second session in Aug 41 has lots of holes in the official BuShips' data records with little of the personal observations from the first.
I've been able to gather info from the National Archives, Huckins Yachts, Elco records at the Sub Museum in CT, and PT Boat,org in Memphis. I especially enjoy reading about the back stories which completely change the perspective on the standard quoted PT Boat history.
The redesign of all the boats and competitive contract bidding directly following are also a very interesting and often entertaining read.
Westerly, RI
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