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Topic: What is the PT658 up to? |
MN Gal

Advanced Member

Posted on: Oct 8, 2014 - 5:09pm
I got wind of something going on with the 658 tomorrow.
Something about a race.
Anyone......(Jerry) know about that?
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New Member
Posted on: Oct 8, 2014 - 7:10pm
This is a portion of an email that Jack Duncan sent me yesterday
Our hearts will be up in the Portland area tomorrow where the beloved PT658 will be showcased along with a new Navy Combat Craft Medium Mk 1 during tryouts on the river. Plans are to race with the new boat built in nearly Clackamas at the Oregon Iron Works. I found some info about it, but our friend, retired Chief Jerry, sent us more details as the Department of the Navy bureaucracy tries to invent something akin to our WW2 PT boats. Only they, the bureaucrats, want it to fit in a C-17 transport plane.
If you google Combat Craft Medium Mk 1 you will find the particulars of the new boat. As understand, it is the modern day iteration of a PT Boat. Designed for Special Operations use.
This is one article that I found:
Rick Schaefer
Splinter PT 63
TM2c John E Mirus
Solomon Islands
Dec 43 - Jan 45 |
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Jerry Gilmartin |


Posted on: Oct 8, 2014 - 7:58pm
Sorry guys,
I have been busy getting the boat ready for tomorrow. We are planning to leave the boathouse at 0930 and meet the CCM Mk1 and go out on a "photo shoot" with a real live honest-to-God helicopter as the photographer vehicle. We are planning on going as a pair down towards Kelly Point and having the helo take various aerial photos and video of both boats together and each one separately. We are going to get up to at least 30 knots up on the step and limit those on deck only to those manning the guns. Hopefully it will look pretty sweet. Additionally, I will be flying Ted's Retirement Flag over the PT658 the entire trip. I cant wait and will be sure to send you guys some photos as soon as I can get them! Wish us good luck tomorrow.
Jerry Gilmartin
PT658 Crewman
Portland OR |
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David Waples


Posted on: Oct 8, 2014 - 8:26pm
Awesome! Looking forward to that.
David Waples |
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David Buck


Posted on: Oct 9, 2014 - 5:23am
Give them hell Jerry,
Best of luck to you and the crew with the 658 on the water, looking forward to the photos.
Enjoy the day,
D.buck |
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CJ Willis

New Member
Posted on: Oct 9, 2014 - 7:41am
Jerry if you really want to win the race put crew on the bow and remove the air mesh covers from the superchargers. That's what we did on 242 for races.
C. J. Willis |
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Jeff D


Posted on: Oct 9, 2014 - 7:52am
Hah CJ, that's funny. I'd love to see a photo of her tearing across the water with Jerry up front riding the bullnose.
I hope you're having a blast today Jerry!
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Posted on: Oct 9, 2014 - 8:04am
Your just full of surprises! As I write this you are underway. You didn't mention you were getting underway with the" new one", OUTSTANDING! and only fitting for a guy who started in NSW Fast boats in NOV 1989, Funny thing, on the page for the "new one", the photo below is actually MY boat MKVSOC 964, in Pemblico Sound N.C. May 2000! I am the belay man on the end of that line from the helo, as Navigator I was the "Free" hand at the moment as we were only doing about 10 knots! Pass on my heartfelt Thanks to all involved.
Take care,
As mentioned above, my boat MKVSOC 964 May 2000 Pemblico Sound N.C.
MKV East Coast boat, Chesapeake Bay 2003.
MKVSOC and 11M NSW RHiB at 40+ knots, forward deployed 2003.
For those interested here is a decent video of West Coast SBU/SBT 12 boats working off San Clemente Island, CA 1999-2001.
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Frank Andruss


Posted on: Oct 9, 2014 - 8:42am
Good luck to the crew of PT-658, I am really looking forward to seeing this one on film. Should be great. Good advice CJ, think they will take you up on that one?
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Jerry Gilmartin |


Posted on: Oct 10, 2014 - 12:41am
OK guys,
Here are the photos and a short movie I am allowed to post. We were not allowed to take any close-ups of the Mk1 CCM. These photos were taken mostly to show Ted how his flag looked while flying over the PT658 while underway at top speed, We maxed out at 35knots and I took a short video on my iphone. I had the entire crew manning the guns and wearing a helmet just for the photo shoot when the helo was overhead. We will get the helo still shots and video after they are approved by the Navy Censor back in Norfolk so we probably have to wait about a week or so per the CWO in charge. I don't know if we ever would have been able to afford to pay for a full size helicopter to hover overhead while taking photos of the PT658 underway, so we are greatly indebted to the Navy SWCC Crew and the Oregon Iron Works Project Team. It started off overcast but we eventually found the sun and it turned out really nice. The engines ran wonderfully, it seems like the faster you run them the better they like it. We were looking at around 1200 rpm going 35 knots! The Freshwater temps all stayed cool, with the only concern being the stbd engine oil temp got up to 190. We ran the engines with still some to spare on both the throttles and the tach. The manifold pressure was reading about 35 inches and got up to 38 momentarily. Chief Motor Mac Bubba said his big jugged ladies still had more power to go if we had pushed the throttles further. Overall it was a great day!
Video of 35 knots taken from stbd 50 cal turret
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