
New Member
Posted on: May 16, 2007 - 5:19pm
Hello Guy's, I am writing from Australia, my name is Katrina. I am researching information about Pt144 and its crew. My mother served in the AWAS in Cairns Australia in 1943, she had met a fellow called Cecil Eugene Sellers. Cecil had writted to mum in 1943 and on his letter head was written PT144 Base 4, c/o fleet post office San Francisco, California. Another letter had PT 144 Base 6 c/o fleet post office San Francisco, California. I have didcovered that base 4 was in Cairns and Base 6 was in Kana Kopa Papua New Guinea. It would be fantastic if someone could help retrieve a list of the crew on PT144 and any information on Cecil Sellers. Cecil had a mate called Harold Van Cleave and Frank has been helpful in finding information on Harold but nothing as of yet on Cecil. We are desperate to locate these 2 men and its possible they are no longer with us but finding their families would be great. The very last my mother had heard from Cecil was in 1970, his postal address was 1108 Mc Gowen Street Houston Texas. I have been in touch with the Mayor of Houston and my letter has been forwarded on to the director of the Mayor's citizens assistance office, hopefully they will be able to locate the whereabouts of Cecil.
Thanks Guys, Regards Katrina
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Marty Johnson

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Posted on: May 16, 2007 - 9:41pm
I suggest you send an email to PTInc and ask for a roster of the 144. They should be able to send a list of all known crewmen alive or passed on along with addresses and phone numbers if they are or had been members of PT inc.
Good luck and G'day.
Marty Johnson
2nd Generation
PT 168 RON 10
In Memory of LT(JG) Martin A. Johnson |
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Posted on: May 16, 2007 - 10:25pm
Dear Marty,
Even though the research desk is closed do you think someone could get the information for me. Also what is the e-mail address for PT inc.
Cheers Katrina
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TGarth Connelly

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Posted on: May 17, 2007 - 4:41am
The email address for PT BOATS INC is ptboats@ptboats.org. However, they are busy getting ready for the Reunion, so expect a long delay in them getting back to you.
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Marty Johnson

New Member
Posted on: May 17, 2007 - 7:26am
if you would send me your email address I can give you an address at PT inc that the owner wouldn't want published but which might speed things along especially if you explain your urgent circumstances.
my address is: mjohnso4@hotmail.com
Marty Johnson
2nd Generation
PT 168 RON 10
In Memory of LT(JG) Martin A. Johnson |
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Posted on: May 17, 2007 - 5:56pm
Thanks Marty, Looking forward to the e-mail. I do hope that I have better luck in finding these men this time. I'm doing this for my eldest sister who has been looking for her dad Cecil all her life and I would love for her to find him and his family, for peace of mind.
Cheers Katrina
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Posted on: May 17, 2007 - 5:58pm
Thanks Garth for your help. You dont happen to have any information on the PT144 and its crew.
Cheers Katrina
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Gary Szot


Posted on: May 17, 2007 - 6:06pm
I found the following log concerning PT 144.
I hope it helps
Look under May 2-3, 1944
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Posted on: May 17, 2007 - 7:17pm
Thank you Gary, anything is appreciated.
Cheers Katrina
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TGarth Connelly

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Posted on: May 18, 2007 - 5:21am
Unfortunately, no I don't. Sorry.
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