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Topic: Location 4 mallets 4 torpedo firing? |

New Member
Posted on: Jul 20, 2013 - 4:39am
Ahoy there.
Just wondering where the mallets that were used to fire torpedoes from the tubes were kept. Anyone remember or know? These are the mallets that were used to strike the torpedo firing chamber if the electric firing mechanism didn't work.
Thanks and cheers from Peter
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New Member
Posted on: Jul 21, 2013 - 3:10pm
Hi tthere.
Here's why I'm looking for that information.
I'm rebuilding my 1/32 scale Lindberg PT boat radio-controlled model. I'm going to have a crew in action poses as if they are firing the guns. I want to pose a couple of torpedomen at the two torpedo tubes (I've replaced the aft tubes with depth charges and extra 20 mm ammo boxes) and want the torpedomen to be holding the hammer/mallet that they hut the tube with in order to detonate the firing mechanism to launch the torpedo. Okay, at this point I'm fine as I have the crew figures and have converted two 1/35 scale sledge hammers to one haned hammers. What I don't know is where those hammers were stowed when they weren't being used. Was there a box near the torpedo tubes to keep those hammers in?
Thanks and cheers from Peter
"Give me a fast boat for we want to get out of harm's way too." |
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Stuart Hurley


Posted on: Jul 22, 2013 - 7:18am
Here is a photo where the mallet is on a loop of rope or wire hanging from the combustion chamber.
Scroll down to 'paint wear'
Best Regards,
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New Member
Posted on: Jul 22, 2013 - 8:13am
Here is a photo where the mallet is on a loop of rope or wire hanging from the combustion chamber.
Scroll down to 'paint wear'
Best Regards,
Ahoy there.
Thanks. Are you referring to the part just aft the cable that runs into the deck? To me that looks like part of the tube not a separate mallet.
Any others see a mallet there?
Were the malleys normally left attached to the torpedo tubes?
Thanks again and cheers from Peter
"Give me a fast boat for we want to get out of harm's way too." |
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Jeff D


Posted on: Jul 22, 2013 - 8:39am
Nice Stu, I never noticed that before. Here's the best resolution of the image I have:
Interesting question Peter, I don't remember seeing them in any other photo. Did you check the torpedo tube factory drawings for any mention of them?
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New Member
Posted on: Jul 22, 2013 - 9:27am
Nice Stu, I never noticed that before. Here's the best resolution of the image I have:
Interesting question Peter, I don't remember seeing them in any other photo. Did you check the torpedo tube factory drawings for any mention of them?
Ahoy there Jeff.
Thanks for the help. I never heard of the torpedo tube factory drawings. I did check Know Your PT Boat but it's for the roll off racks although it did mention to keep the torpedo tubes near the torpedos and in plain sight.
Cheers from Peter
"Give me a fast boat for we want to get out of harm's way too." |
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Stuart Hurley


Posted on: Jul 22, 2013 - 9:55am
I don't know if they always stowed them there, but
If I thought the torpedo wasn't going to go pop when I wanted, I would certainly want something close to hand.
Best Regards,
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Posted on: Jul 22, 2013 - 11:18am
I don't know if they always stowed them there, but
If I thought the torpedo wasn't going to go pop when I wanted, I would certainly want something close to hand.
Best Regards,
Ahoy there Stu.
You'd really want things close to hand especially at night when you couldn't use a light to help find them.
To me it looks like there is aloop on the botton of the handle. It appears to be hooked on a rod like projection on the other side of the torepdo tube. Do you think that's how the mallet is fastened?
Thanks again and cheers from Peter
"Give me a fast boat for we want to get out of harm's way too." |
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Will Day

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Posted on: Jul 22, 2013 - 11:37am
[URL=] [/URL]
Maybe not THE mallet, but A mallet. . .
Will |
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Stuart Hurley


Posted on: Jul 22, 2013 - 12:24pm
Yes, I would say there appears to be a loop on the handle and just twisted wire to the chamber. Could be rope, they probably used anything to hand to get the job done. I would expect there to be one on every tube.
Best Regards,
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