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 Author  Topic: Houseboats of Shoreham Harbour Estuary
David Buck


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While looking into Igors model build a website of an English Gent that likes to take walks around his home town came up with a number of photos,

In the photos of the local shoreline were a few WW11 boats, on following this a little further I found that they had been converted into houseboats and are quite famous.

The number of boats is fairly high given their age some even before the First World War however there are around thirteen WW11 Vosper and British Power Boats in among them.

I took a look at them first with Google earth and enjoyed seeing them along the shore then looked for them on Google and was quite surprised to find a fair amount of info on them.

I was wondering if we may have a member of the forum that might be a little closer than I am that may like to pay them a visit with a camera a obtain a few photos?

On a totally different subject Dick I received the parcel from you and Thankyou, see below if you have my email could you send me a mailing address as I will send you a copy so it can be put up on your free list for all to enjoy

Also while I am here Jerry wondering if you might like a copy of a Doc. I obtained recently,


for the



equipment of




Just thought you might like a copy .

Al might like one to!!


Total Posts: 332 | Joined: May 4, 2008 - 2:59am | IP Logged



Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of alross2   Send Email To alross2 Posted on: May 19, 2013 - 7:41am
Well, you have my attention.. Please describe.


Total Posts: 994 | Joined: Oct 30, 2006 - 8:19pm | IP Logged

  Jerry Gilmartin


Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of Jerry Gilmartin   Send Email To Jerry Gilmartin Posted on: May 19, 2013 - 10:58am
Hi David!
Yes I would very much like a copy of that! Thanks for letting us know! Jerry

Jerry Gilmartin

Total Posts: 1484 | Joined: Oct 8, 2006 - 11:16pm | IP Logged



Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of Dick   Send Email To Dick Posted on: May 19, 2013 - 11:47am

David . . .

Thanks very much for letting us share the Higgins document.

Please use this or click on the little envelope icon in the white space above:

Dick . . .

Total Posts: 1486 | Joined: Aug 27, 2006 - 6:36pm | IP Logged

David Buck


Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of David Buck   Send Email To David Buck Posted on: May 20, 2013 - 2:23am
Al, Jerry, Dick,

The document I now have is not the Govt. Printer book version as per the version the Elco book is on Dicks/Navsource website.

This is I believe is the final draft copy of the specifications for PT 625-660 that the Bureau of Ships agreed to prior to it being sent of to be printed up into nice neat book form.

This document runs to 20 pages single sided in all and follows as per the same form as the Elco version as far as headings are concerned maybe a few more,(roughly 5-6 per page) however as the Elco version is A4 in size this version is on paper that is approx. I/4 longer than A4 (just something that points to it being a original draft copy)

As well as the 20 page specification document I have a number of pages of modifications that were implemented by the Higgins Firm the Bureau of Ships and the Chief of Naval Operations for one reason or another.

This all runs to about 180 pages all told.

The interesting thing is that the trail of paper work runs from the Supervisor of Shipbuilding U.S. Navy, The Bureau of ships and Higgins Industries incorporated ( on Higgins letterhead) and letters from other Govt. sections in New Orleans and Washington.

Oh and with a little bit of intrigue to add a little bit of spice, that one I will leave till you read it.

OK I will now make a few copies and get back to you.

It makes for good reading.


Total Posts: 332 | Joined: May 4, 2008 - 2:59am | IP Logged



Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of alross2   Send Email To alross2 Posted on: May 20, 2013 - 2:33am
Outstanding! I'm in, please.

Al Ross

Total Posts: 994 | Joined: Oct 30, 2006 - 8:19pm | IP Logged



Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of Nuge210   Send Email To Nuge210 Posted on: May 20, 2013 - 8:52am

Look at : for some photos of the houseboats. Look under 'Survivors'.

Sorry I forget how to make it a clickable link.


Total Posts: 323 | Joined: Jun 4, 2008 - 7:50am | IP Logged

  Jerry Gilmartin


Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of Jerry Gilmartin   Send Email To Jerry Gilmartin Posted on: May 20, 2013 - 12:01pm
Is this something you would be willing to mail to me? I could re-imburse you for the shipping charges. Thanks very much for doing all this, it will be put into use aboard PT658 in our continuing efforts at restoration. Thanks again, please let me know if you need anything else. Jerry

Jerry Gilmartin

Total Posts: 1484 | Joined: Oct 8, 2006 - 11:16pm | IP Logged

David Buck


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Thankyou not only do they ID a number of the boats but they also have a number of views at different angles to what else is around on the net, well worth the visit.

I wonder if there is any other website that might know the ID of the other boats there?

Jerry, slow down a little there is no question that you will not only enjoy reading this but get to use the information within it to assist you, your crew and Pt658.

Just give me a little time to make a few copies so it is a little easier to put in the post also I will send a breakdown version to yourself, Dick and Al so that if Dick wants he can put the basic specifications Draft on his website for all but, you and Al would like to have the extras such as the list of Drawings all the extra Mods and other bits and pieces that go beyond just the Draft.

Of course if Dick would like to put the extras onto his website he will have them to do that with.

Al well beyond what I have already mentioned may well enjoy the hand written notes on some of the cover sheets and one or two interesting scratch drawings that some one has added to some of the sheets to explain their meaning also how Higgins had to request a drawing for the tower as the one they had received that was approved appeared to not include it!

As you well know Jerry nothing in this world comes free so first of all I will require an address off you but I think its around here somewhere(at the top of the page I believe ) secondly, one day I just might drop in (if the wife and the gods allow) so it would be great to see the 658 back were she should be and if this helps in any way well I'll leave the rest in your hands.

OK that's it for now its back to the copy machine for me and a quick hug and kiss to the wife as she stumbles of to bed with that O' NO Not PT BOATS' AGAIN' look on her face ( what's that line, O' yes by TOM ARNOLD in True Lies "Women can't live with them Can't kill them" no just kidding mine has her own version of that one) so from me were its 10.30pm have a good night guys.


Total Posts: 332 | Joined: May 4, 2008 - 2:59am | IP Logged

David Buck


Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of David Buck   Send Email To David Buck Posted on: May 22, 2013 - 5:50am
Just an update on the paperwork that's underway,

There were in total 152 pages that I received.

There are 111 pages that have useful information. Or something to laugh at, take your pick I know I did on finding certain things while reading.

The makeup of the rest consists of blank pages, totally black pages with the numbers 625-660 in small print on them in a small white rectangle at the centre of the page, a number of cover pages that have a number of three digit numbers down the left hand side with no heading on them, and a small number of double ups of various requests for copies of receipts.
These I will not copy as there is no need to duplicate those that do not help with info.

I also have found someone who will copy the above 111 as a batch lot for me.

So things are looking good!

That's it for now.


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