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 Author  Topic: Question: Help in identifying people in photo's
MN Gal

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of MN Gal   Send Email To MN Gal Posted on: Apr 19, 2013 - 8:50am
I am wondering what you guy's opinion would be on my chances of getting some of the people Identified from my father in-laws photo's ?

As I put his story together, I wonder what my odd's are of finding and talking to someone in these photo's.
I could post them on this site, but I am wondering about the social media too. I dont belong to facebook, I dont know how it works. Never really wanted to. But now I am wondering if that would be a good idea? A few photo's are unidentified women, I doubt they or their relatives are on the PT Boat website.

Some other photo's are of men at Melville, with first names and nicknames on the back. Some photo's taken In Boston in the boston commons, Some others of men on R&R in Florida at the College arms hotel. They also have first names on them.

Wondering if anyone would give me their ideas on the possibilities of identifying these people?

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Frank Andruss


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Julie, in doing research over the years for myself and others, I am a firm believer that you can't get enough of outside sources, The more that people can see the photo's, the better the chance you might find and identify someone in the photo's. Trust me FACEBOOK does work, as I have found folks that have an interest in PT BOATS, and at times have been successful with it. This message board is another great source of help, not only for model work, and technical assistance but identifying photographs. Trust me, put up the photo's and see what happens. You can scan and send them to me as well and I would be glad to help you, although no guarantee anything would be solved, but I can try. Hope this helps................

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message   Posted on: Apr 19, 2013 - 6:27pm

I agree with Frank. Post the photos with as much info as you have. Some of us may have a duplicate or smething close to being a duplicate and ours may have indentifying information. Even nicknames can be of value. When one pieces togather all of the data, it is sometimes amazing how a certain set of circumstances and information emerges that can then be taken as "fact".


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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message   Posted on: Apr 19, 2013 - 6:54pm
hi julie/ also post them on pt boat splinters site/earl

earl richmond

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MN Gal

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Hello, I am ready to post some photo's. I am wondering if my directions I printed last year are still the way to post photo's since the boards new location?
It's been awhile since I posted a photo.
Please let me know if there are any changes to posting photo's?

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MN Gal

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Just seeing if this photo will post.
If it does, I want to share with you, the writing on the photo is Fred Hahns. I sent him this photo on a 8x11 sheet of paper, I wrote on the bottom. I wanted to know if he could remember my Father In-Law. They were on the 156 together for a few months.
Fred could not remember him, but he remembered the one on the right. Not his name, just that he was there cook and that he made good moonshine. Just in case you cant read what he wrote.
He also said He like to go on patrols, Although He did not have to, So I would load up a Springfield Rifle to him- He would lay down between ( i cant make it out) and fire away, The safest part of Ron Boat. Hatch ??? day room. Maybe some one else can make it out better than me.
If this photo postes I have some more to go with it.
I will post.
In getting these photo's organized for posting, I think I discovered the first names of these two guy's. From some other photo's that do have names on the back. I am hoping someone will recognize them, and or give me their input on weather they are the same men or not.
I will hit post now and see if the photo appears.
thanks, Julie

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message   Posted on: Apr 21, 2013 - 6:09pm
hi julie/ i did not see a photo/ rarl

earl richmond

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of Dick   Send Email To Dick Posted on: Apr 22, 2013 - 8:58am


New "Photo" link now available:
You can now use the "HTML" code for posting images. This type of link requires no modification to the code, simply copy and paste the link from PhotoBucket uploaded images. The only issue with the "HTML" code is the posted image becomes a link back to PhotoBucket. You will notice if you move your mouse cursor over the posted image the "arrow" will change to a "hand" and if you click the mouse button you will be taken away from the Forum to PhotoBucket.

The use of the older style of "IMG" code with modifications to "image", still works, but only from the "Album Thumb Nail" view not the enlarged "Image" view of PhotoBucket (as shown in the first photo). If you copy the link from the "Image" view a bunch more superfluous coding has been added.

Your choice of either method works.

This photo has been posted using the new "HTML" code

 photo Phot-Posting-HTML-01.jpg

This photo has been posted using the older "image" code

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Jeff D


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Thank you for sharing with us Julie. Man, they look so young...

It looks like the text says "between the engine room hatch and day room". There was a narrow shelf there, as protected a place as possible on a wood boat short of being behind bridge armor which I don't think the 156 had. It would have given him a steady spot to lay down and shoot from.

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MN Gal

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of MN Gal   Send Email To MN Gal Posted on: Apr 22, 2013 - 11:52am
Thank you for helping me out Dick,
I will get the photo's in order and post them with my questions later.
My husband is home today and tomorrow so I have to keep my paper work and photo's hidden.

I will get back to you all soon.

Thanks for all the help.


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