Greg Matthews

Advanced Member

Posted on: Jan 13, 2007 - 7:35am
For the 200 series Higgins boats or any boats in the Phillipines........Can anyone tell me the colors of the torpedoes and the depth charges on the boats in the area? Also, were the Phillipine boat deck colors the same as the hull, or were the decks painted different,and what color? Thanx.
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Will Day

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Posted on: Jan 14, 2007 - 10:03am
Greg: I have one picture of a torpedo actually painted in what looks like the Measure 31 camo scheme...
Will |
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Posted on: Jan 14, 2007 - 11:56am
Hi Greg,
The question is really too general to answer in any meaningful way. If you look at photos of the boats, you'll see many variations, sometimes even on a single boat. For instance, an examination of photos of both Higgins and ELCOs painted in Measure 31/20L shows that, as a general practice, the Higgins boats carried the pattern up over the decks, while the ELCOs did not. However, I've seen at least one photo of an ELCO with a deck pattern.
There is a series of oft-published photos showing a number of ELCOs at Leyte nested together that provide some wonderful closeup detaiils. If you spend a little time looking them over, you'll notice that the MK13 torpedoes vary considerably in appearance, especially the warheads. They are all relatively dark, but the tones vary; some have a bit of a sheen, others are completely matte.
Al Ross
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Greg Matthews

Advanced Member

Posted on: Jan 14, 2007 - 3:03pm
Thank you for your advice Al. It's appreciated and I will look further.
Greg Matthews
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Greg Matthews

Advanced Member

Posted on: Jan 14, 2007 - 3:06pm
Will, as always thank you.
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TGarth Connelly

Advanced Member

Posted on: Jan 15, 2007 - 6:29am
I've been told that the warheads were painted in the same color that was the base color of whatever camouflage scheme was carrying at the time.
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Frank J Andruss Sr


Posted on: Jan 15, 2007 - 8:42am
It is my understanding that during WWII the ordnace department of the Navy had color coded their ordnance. For instance the colors gray, black, white, green, olive drab were used for all under water ordnance. This would seem to check out as most of the war heads I have seen on the boats were these colors, unless some artist on the boat changed things around. American Torp Company which produced many of the Mk-13 Torpedoes used these colors as were determined by the Navy Departments. I am sure all ordnance shops around the Country that were producing Torpedoes had to follow these standards. This of course does not say they were not re-painted in the War Zone, although in any conversations I had with Torpedomen none of them recall repainting Warheads or anything else for that matter.
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Jeff Sherry

New Member
Posted on: Jan 17, 2007 - 6:53pm
As a novice model builder, I'm wondering what color were the guns. I know the 30 and 50 cals were black, but the 40 MM, 37 MM...what parts were what color?
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TGarth Connelly

Advanced Member

Posted on: Jan 18, 2007 - 4:18am
The .50s and .30s were gun metal - they have paints for this now. The 40 was green (but I could be mistaken) and the 37, well - maybe Dr. Ross could answer that.
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TGarth Connelly

Advanced Member

Posted on: Jan 18, 2007 - 4:19am
The .50s and .30s were gun metal - they have paints for this now. The 40 was green (but I could be mistaken) and the 37, well - maybe Dr. Ross could answer that.
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