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Topic: lets get moving on salvaging what we can... |

New Member
Posted on: Apr 5, 2011 - 4:19pm
Let's get moving on what we can salvage and what we can and can't rebuild. let's save the boats and store, rebuild or fund these boat's. I can support the move through a generous organization.. Off site storage central jersey location... Barged no problem...
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Will Day

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Posted on: Apr 5, 2011 - 6:57pm
Will |
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Jerry Gilmartin |


Posted on: Apr 5, 2011 - 8:40pm
Are you referrring to any PT Boat in particular? We are always looking for donations to Save the PT Boat Inc. We need about $250,000 for restoration to the boats bottom. I am sure that Battleship Cove and the WW2 Museum in New Orleans could use some donations as well. Thanks for your interest in saving WW2 PT Boats! Jerry
Jerry Gilmartin |
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Frank J Andruss Sr


Posted on: Apr 7, 2011 - 1:41am
Here we go again............
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Posted on: Apr 7, 2011 - 8:21am
Hey Batty-
OK, you have me scratching my head now! I was born and raised in Central New Jersey. Born and raised in Perth Amboy and lived in Woodbridge Township. I can't think of anyplace on the Kill Van Kull waterway or the Raritan Bay for that matter that has a facility other than the old now defunct Amboy Dry Docks for this PT restoration project.
I as well as others here on the boad would like to know what the heck you are propossing?
Frank Ryczek, Jr.
Modeler/Friend RON 10 PT-169 " ZEBRA SNAFU" Base Tulagi
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Posted on: Apr 10, 2011 - 7:47pm
A few weeks ago I had sent a reply to someone asking for pictures of PT3 and had sent a message stating that I had recently come across the boat in south jersey 2, july, 2010, resting on blocks and I would send the picture to an email address. The first response i received from ptboats was asking what my intentions or purpose were.. Now I seem to be receiving some sort of negative treatment and venom for offering a facility and transport for storing and helping with a non dollar contribution to help save these boats.
Are you guy's sniffing too much glue building your models?
If anyone is interested in a recent stern shot of PT3, the converted yacht that was stored at Yanks boat works last year in southern jersey, some AVR's and my talks with Mr. Tim Ivory with his live aboard identical to the Trumpy Class in northern jersey, Mr Shumann, and Cap't Ron and the new old 109 which i visited before the transformation and being used as a sightseeing boat, my history with trying to get the 671 transported to mass for Mr Melanson, Video of the PTF's owned by General Propulsion in Virginia, speaking with the gentlemen who was working on a web page for past history of the 171 a few years ago, and pics of PTF17 in Buffalo N.Y. Please email me for the pics that I have at
As always, my search and soul have been dedicated to restoring and bringing these boats home. Together we can restore the boats in dedication to the men and women who both served and built these amazing boats.
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Jerry Gilmartin |


Posted on: Apr 10, 2011 - 9:22pm
Hey Steve,
Thanks for the clarification. Your previous message was, well a little vague. I think many readers of this message board share your sentiments about saving these old PT Boats, you should try and get to know them better and participate in these discussions more often. I think you will get a lot of value from participating in this message board. I would like to see an update, for example, of a recent photo of Mr Ron Sinns PT486 aka "PT109". The last I heard, the boat was being worked on in Ottens Harbor NJ. I would like to see some pictures and how is the restoration coming along? I looked on Google Maps Street View, and it looks like the boat is still painted as Schumanns "Big Blue". Do you have any more recent pictures? Could you post the pics onto this messageboard?Thanks Jerry
Jerry Gilmartin |
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Posted on: Apr 11, 2011 - 7:18pm
Thanks Jerry!
The last i saw the 486 it was a few years ago and being stored about 8/10 of a mile south of the tour boat slip. I viewed it from a fence inclosure but it was painted battleship gray and had the 109 temporarily sprayed on it. All of the tour boat equipment had been removed and it looked great less the armorment. It is not blue any longer. If you go to google earth and enter the time line for dec 30th 2002 Aster rd and park boulevard in wildwood NJ you will see what i think is the 486. The view from my computer is a little distorted and i can't tell exactly but i tried measuring it. The address for the sightseeing boat is 4525 park boulevard, wildwood NJ and go to the street level shots. I don't have any pics of the boat except for the sightseeing brochure. I seem to be having problems loading pictures here but will keep working on it..
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Glenn Anderson

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Posted on: Apr 14, 2011 - 4:17am
Hi Steve,
Have any AVR photos other than on the AVR Society site?
I'm a former Sea Scout on the ASR-1357, R37 A 1357 now in Tim Ivory's position.
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Posted on: Apr 14, 2011 - 6:02pm
Hi Glenn,
The last i saw Tim's boat in north jersey I was certainly overwhelmed. It was a true Trumpy with no doubt in my mind. I tried to convince him through pics that i had of the trumps and amazingly how similar they were. The stern cut out to accomidate rescue equipment was what made his boat different.
You do know about the 85 footer for sale??
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