
New Member
Posted on: Nov 24, 2010 - 10:32am
Hi all,
My grandfather, [url="http://spg.navylog.org/Blueprint.aspx?navy_log_id=778597"]Aaron Stout[/url], served on PT 155 as a gunners mate during World War 2. We have a few pictures of him and the crew on the boat (which I'll upload later) but I was wondering what information there is out there regarding it. I know he went to the Herbert J Thomas destroyer somewhere along the way.
I've seen that a user here has uploaded a few pictures from the ships log... is there any way to get the entirety of it?
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Posted on: Nov 24, 2010 - 12:28pm
Also, I live outside of Washington DC. How do I go about getting into the National Archive so I can see the ships log?
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Nathaniel Smith


Posted on: Nov 24, 2010 - 1:25pm
Welcome aboard. There are many members of this blog with ties to PT 155 so if it is information about PT-155 you are after ...hold on.
I researched PT-154 at the National Archives. I would take the once-an-hour shuttle from the main National Archives building in downtown DC to the College Park center. You may drive there directly.
Once inside you must unload all you belongings into lockers in the basement. You may keep a computer, camera, and scanner but they will need to be registered at the main desk.
New researchers will need to go to an office right nearby to register themselves and take a short training to receive a researcher card (good for one year).
With your card (camera computer and scanner) you take the elevator to the documents room and check in. Find a table or a cart to unload and go to the back-left researcher's office. Find the staff person who is an expert with the military records.
I found the people assisting novice researchers to be very helpful. They will help you to locate the boxes that have the Deck Logs for PT-155.
The photograph I have of the Deck Log of PT-155 covers the names of the people who reported during 1943. Your grandfather is not on this list. This may also mean he joined the crew in 1944 (or he was on another boat).
There are several people on this blog that can can help you find more information about your grandfather. This organization was started by a crew member from PT-155.
natsmith |
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Posted on: Nov 24, 2010 - 1:35pm
Thanks so much! I will have to look into going to the archives, is that something I need to schedule with them? I just sent an email to them requesting the information (as per requested when you call them) so I'm hoping they can send it to me. My father knows the exact dates of when he served on each boat so I'm looking forward to finding that out.
I recall a story he told me about when he was on the PT. I was young, so I'm sure the details are a bit hazy, but the way I recall it was he was off the coast of an island shooting onto the island. His ship was getting shelled. After they were out of the range of the people shooting at him, he looked down and had blood covering his shirt. He had thought he got shot so he had other people take a look at it and apparently a large piece of wood from his ship was embedded in his gut.
Anyways, I dropped you an email but it seems like you've answered all the questions here.
Here's to hoping a few guys on here knew my grandfather! Apparently he went by "Slim" in the Navy... he was above 6 feet and weighed 130 when he joined the Navy.
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Nathaniel Smith


Posted on: Nov 24, 2010 - 2:02pm
Pat Rogers (Radioman) from PT-154 is frequently on this board. He may remember your grandfather. At 88 or 89 his memory is better than the National Archives.
PT-155 moored next to and patrolled with PT-154 frequently. The skipper of PT-155 later became Squadron 9 Commander in 1944.
The National Archives also has Action Reports with describe every fire-fight. This one has both PT-154 and PT-155 patrolling together.
natsmith |
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Posted on: Nov 25, 2010 - 6:06pm
Thanks for all the info Nathaniel! I'd love to hear what Pat has to say. In the meantime, here are some photos from PT155 and the Herbert J Thomas destroyer by grandfather was on as well. Identification of anything about these photos would be appreciated. I believe the ones on the destroyer were taken in Pearl Harbor while the Herbert J Thomas was on its way out to Japan (arriving after the war ended).
My grandfather is on the bottom row far right
My grandfather is seated on the right
Seated looking over his right shoulder
Standing, second from left
And does anybody know what type of gun that is?
I believe the first two to be on board PT 155.
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David Waples


Posted on: Nov 25, 2010 - 7:54pm
Thanks for sharing the photos. The gun you are asking about I believe is a 37mm M4 taken from a P-39 and mounted on a PT.
David Waples |
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Posted on: Nov 26, 2010 - 11:39am
You don't need to make an appointment, you can walk right in. But you'll need ID to get a researcher card. The Archives you want is in College Park MD, don't go downtown DC. There's plenty of parking out at Archives II in College Park.
You'll want to get there when they open at 9:00 am. Will give you a chance to get your researcher card and get your record pull request in for the first pull at 1000. You'll want to go to the second floor.
Charlie |
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Will Day

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Posted on: Nov 28, 2010 - 9:40am
Your grandfather has a short bio (with two photos) on page 392 of KNIGHTS OF THE SEA (the PT Boats Org official history). It basically records his service from enlistment in April of 1943 through his tenure on the 155 boat which he left in Dec. of 1944 and eventual assignment to DD 833. Discharged in March of 1946, then a brief civilian bio.
Will |
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Posted on: Nov 29, 2010 - 5:32am
Thanks for all the information! I sent out an email to the National Archive requesting the ships log for PT 155 and my grandfathers records. Would there be any further information I could gain by actually going to the Archives? You all have been such a huge help and a great community. I'll be certain to share any further information I can find.
I recall reading on this site that they (the owners I guess) request any ships logs or things of that nature if they are obtained. Is there any legal issues with sharing the logs?
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