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 Author  Topic: 80' Elco Boat Deadlights Painted Over?

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message   Posted on: Oct 29, 2008 - 6:58pm
Hi there.

Were the deadlights on the 80' Elco boats ever painted over either on the early war boats or the later models?
Was this ever done at the factory?

Thanks and cheers from PetertareBuilder

"Give me a faster PT boat for I'd like to get out of harm's way!"

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Frank J Andruss Sr


Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message     View Profile of Frank J Andruss Sr   Send Email To Frank J Andruss Sr Posted on: Oct 29, 2008 - 7:43pm
PT Boat Crew were ever so careful about lighting. They painted over the charthouse glass on both the Elco and the Higgins boats, so no light from the charthouse would escape. The door to the charthouse when opened would automatically shut off any light inside. indows to the day room were also painted over. Deadlights were painted as well, although some were left as they came from the Factory. Even the cockpit dials, which were illuminating dials at night were sometimes taped. The factories understanding this, came out with the later boats being already blocked, or a special attachment to defuse the lights of the charthouse. Some evn painted the insides f the glass, fearing any light to excape would be seen by the enemey. Understand that the lights below deck were not your standard white lights, but sometimes a redish glow from bulbs made to keep lighting to a minimum. I belive the lighting in the engine room was the most brightest on the boat, although dials did light up on all instrument panels..........

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message   Posted on: Oct 30, 2008 - 5:47am
there was a light just below topside,to the left of the ladder that was a reddish color so that when the hatch was opened at night only the galley was illuminated. with a reddish glow.don,t remember if this was automatically or manually lit.

earl richmond

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Post a Reply To This Topic    Reply With Quotes     Edit Message   Posted on: Oct 30, 2008 - 6:00pm
The purpose of the red lights below deck was to help maintain night vision. Exposure to a bright light could limit your vision for an extended period after you returned topside. If the radar was on, it had to be covered before the chart house door was opened. Standing radar watch also limited night vision.

In the cockpit some boats had dials illuminated with a small ultraviolet light. This light could not be seen for much distance.

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