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The PT Boat Forum ª PT Boats of WWII ª  PT Boats - General

Number of Poll Answers: 2

Number of Votes: 1

 Author   Poll Details
Al Moore


Posted on: Jan 21, 2007 - 11:49am


Poems writen by a P.T.Boater in the South Pacific
I have aquired some type writen pages of poems writen by a Chief Bosn in the early years of WWII in the South Pacific. The "Song Of The P.T. Boats" is the first one that I could put togather. I will put some more in as I get them figured out. His name was Rex Benson C/BM. A footnote on page one Go'es " What little value this booklet has lies, not in the contents, but the fact that it is the first volumne to be published from the Calvertville, Sesapi, Tulagi and Macambo area where the first American fighting men to set foot on enemy-occupied territory in this war landed". I doubt if they were ever published. These type writen pages may be all there is. The poems are fragmented and hard for a dummy like me to put togather, but I will try.... Al Moore FEMU & Base 16





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