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[StartQuote] PT Sailors, Thanks, guys, this is great information. Just so you'll know why I wanted this info: I work for a defense contractor, and have a background in software development. Most of the "rules and regulations" on how to develop military software are written for the huge projects with dozens if not hundreds of developers. The typical projects at my organization have ten or less, often five or less, developers. The rules developed for those big projects ill-suit our smaller ones, but they get levied on them nonetheless. I saw an analogy here between the "big ship" navy and the PT boats; the latter have always fascinated me since I was a boy. I'm writing a short article for an upcoming issue of the Journal of Software Defense Engineering which uses the PT boats as an analogy for my typical small projects in the "big project" navy. Sure, everyone followed navy regulations, but the tactics and day-to-day operations of the PTs were fundamentally different from the typical warship - epitomized by the very short chain of command and the direct communications of the PTs. (The big project rules want documentation of everything, but small projects - like the PTs - handled most communications verbally. Hard to document that!) I guess the summary of my article is: "Don't run your small project (PT boat) like a big project (heavy cruiser). If you do, you'll be sunk." In reviewing in a draft, the editors questioned whether I actually KNEW that the skipper communicated directly with the crew, both before and during a mission. Thanks to you all, I now do. The web site for the JSDE is The article should show up around February (?). If any of you would like to see a draft, let me know. It's short; the 750-word limit is a real factor in the contents. The Duffer [:-sunglasses-:] [EndQuote]
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